Gleeson tasks local school with naming the road of its Catterick Garrison development; Leadmills Walk
Housebuilder Gleeson Homes has joined forces with Carnagill Primary School to name the roads on its new development, Leadmills Walk in Catterick Garrison. The school is only a short walk from the new development and the project was set as part of Gleeson’s Community Matters programme.
With the help from their parents and teachers, the eager pupils researched Catterick Garrisons military background for road name inspiration.
Road name suggestions were collated, and the Gleeson Tees Valley team chose the winning name, Poppy Court; a unanimous decision.
Poppy Court was chosen as the team felt it was perfectly fitting with the local area and shows the support Gleeson have for our servicemen and women around Catterick Garrison, the largest army barracks in the UK.
Following the decision, the lucky winner was announced at the school’s Friday assembly where members of the Gleeson regional team presented the winning name to much applause. Each child was awarded a certificate, and a book token was donated to the school library by Gleeson whilst the winning child a Smiths Toys voucher.
Neil Reaney, Operations Director for Gleeson Tees Valley said:
‘It was great to be back in school! I let the children know just how much better than me they were at being so quiet and good as they came into the hall for assembly. The children were obviously thrilled to have taken part in the street naming exercise and equally delighted to pick up their certificates. Our little winner Imogen, who is only five years old, was extremely pleased with her Smyths Toys voucher and she told us loud and clear that Barbies were on her list . Getting out to the community and is always a pleasure and it’s particularly rewarding when we work with schools. Since I joined the business in August I can see that this is something we do regularly and we do very well indeed.’
Louise Newport, the Head Teacher of Carnagill Primary School commented:
“We are proud to have been involved in the naming of a new street near our school. As part of the local community, we are always keen to establish links. Our values encourage our children to be ambitious and we are all excited to be part of something that will be a lasting memory for Carnagill. The winning name 'Poppy Court' had such significance to the military community that we belong to.”
Leadmills Walk will bring 69 much needed, low cost, high quality 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes to Catterick Garrison.
The development will also bring five discount market value homes to the area, a £14,960 affordable homes contribution and a host of employment opportunities for local people, sub-contractors and young people looking to start an apprenticeship in construction.