About the Covenants
The covenants specific to your new Gleeson home will be set out in your title deeds, which your solicitor should advise you on before you complete your purchase

At Gleeson, we create communities that you’ll love to be a part of. To ensure that you and your neighbours can enjoy your new Gleeson home to the fullest, it is customary for your title deeds to include covenants – things you can and cannot do to your new Gleeson home and the land it sits on. Most of these covenants apply equally to everyone in your Gleeson community and compliance with them benefits all.*
The covenants specific to your new Gleeson home will be set out in your title deeds, which your solicitor should advise you on before you complete your purchase. We have also produced a user-friendly covenants guide for all of our customers, so you’ll know what to expect when you move in. Please speak with a member of your regional sales team to obtain a copy of the guide, but please recognise that our sales executives are not legally trained and you should always speak with your solicitor if you are unsure what the covenants mean or how they will affect you.
If you feel that any of your neighbours are not complying with some of the covenants (and this is affecting you), we recommend that you bring this to their attention amicably in the first instance. A neighbourly discussion is often the most effective way of resolving covenant grievances, but if that doesn’t work then you are entitled to take legal enforcement action. For more information about how to initiate enforcement action, please speak with your solicitor or an independent advisory body such as Citizens Advice.
Whilst we are here to support you in any way we can throughout your Gleeson journey, we cannot provide legal advice on covenants or the enforcement of them.
*Gleeson reserves the right to amend, vary or waive its covenants at any time and this statement should not relied upon.