Young homeowner placing photos in his home

Five top tips from our ambassadors, for a stress-free move

Moving home can be an exciting but stressful experience. You may feel overwhelmed with numerous questions running through your mind. Have you ordered the absolute essentials for moving day? And have you organised and packed everything? 

To help relax your mind and offer a little burst of inspiration, we caught up with our brand ambassadors, who following the move into their new Gleeson home, have shared some of their top tips for moving home! 

From ordering your bins in advance, to locating your nearest takeaways and shops, we’ve got you covered. 

1. Ordering your bins

A clean home is a happy home, and when you first move into your new home, you’re bound to have more rubbish and boxes than usual! Alicia, Frankie and Michelle, all proud Gleeson homeowners, recommend ordering your bins in advance, which can be arranged and paid for via your local council’s website. This process can sometimes take time, so it’s essential to be prepared. If you miss this step prior to moving in, don’t worry, some councils will still collect your black bags temporarily. When placing an order for your bins, remember to provide the council with the plot number as well as your house number, to make this process as smooth as possible. 

2. Blinds and alarms

For many, privacy in your home isn’t a want; it’s a must. It’s important that you and your family feel secure and happy. Another top tip from our brand ambassadors is to measure up and order blinds as soon as possible. One of our brand ambassadors, Alicia, found that temporary blinds were a game changer when she first moved into her new Gleeson home, providing the privacy she needed during those first days. Annie also recommends scheduling the fitting of your blinds or curtains while using your temporary blinds so that you don’t have to wait too long for a permanent solution. For extra security and peace of mind, Annie also suggested booking your security alarm system appointment in advance of moving into your home. This way, you can enjoy privacy and security right from day one.

Did you know that you can also check the measurements of your windows on our virtual tours? Visit our house styles page to find out more!  

3. Research your local area

Those first few days can be stressful, especially when you realise you’ve forgotten the knives and forks and packed the pans away with bedroom boxes in storage. Sometimes a good old takeaway to celebrate the first night in your new home is the perfect solution. Alicia and Annie both shared the importance of familiarising yourself with local takeaways, amenities and nearby shops. Make sure to research local options that are easy to order from and have great reviews.

Alicia also suggests finding the local shops and post offices early on, as you might have numerous moving-related returns or parcels to collect as well as practicing your new commute to work to familiarise yourself with the roads and potential traffic! 

4. Organise your essential items

Our brand ambassadors, Kaity and Michelle, suggested that organising a basket of essential items was a lifesaver during moving week. Simply utilise a washing-up basket and fill it with those everyday essentials such as bin bags, washing-up liquid, tea, coffee and sugar! You never realise how crucial these items are until you start afresh in a new home. A moving pack can make the first few days, that bit easier.  

Michelle and Annie both emphasised the significance of packing your items into boxes and labelling your belongings. This process will make it easier to identify them during unpacking and even recommended creating a master list of items for each box to streamline the process. 

5. Order your Wi-Fi

Several of our ambassadors highlighted the significance of organising your Wi-Fi services prior to moving in. Frankie suggests that once you have your move-in date confirmed, you can prepare to have the Broadband set up for your moving day. Meanwhile, Alicia mentions that your provider may offer a temporary 4G hub until your internet is installed. This hack proved to be a lifesaver for herself and Billy, enabling them to work efficiently from home without any connectivity issues. You may also wish to consider purchasing a Wi-Fi extender plug as the downstairs connection may not reach all upstairs rooms; these are typically priced around £15! 
We hope some of these top tips for moving home provided you with the inspiration and advice you need to ensure a smooth and stress-free move. Also, don’t forget to take breaks and stay hydrated during the move. Moving house can be physically demanding, and it's important to listen to your body and avoid overexertion.

Soak up every moment as you start an exciting new chapter in your new home.

If you’re still yet to find your dream home, why not check out your nearest Gleeson development and start your search today?